The Immeasurables - what are they?

The Immeasurables - what are they?

At the heart of Buddhist ethics and meditation practices lie the Four Immeasurables, also known as the Brahmaviharas or the Divine Abodes. These virtues—loving-kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita), and equanimity (upekkha)—serve as guiding principles for practitioners seeking to transcend self-centeredness and cultivate a compassionate and harmonious way of being.

  1. Loving-kindness (Metta)

Loving-kindness, or metta in Pali, is the foundational practice of the Four Immeasurables. It involves cultivating a boundless and unconditional love for oneself and others. In metta meditation, practitioners begin by generating feelings of warmth and benevolence towards themselves, extending these sentiments gradually to friends, family, acquaintances, and even to those with whom they may have conflicts. The ultimate goal is to radiate loving-kindness to all beings, without discrimination.

Metta encourages practitioners to break down the barriers of ego and foster a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings. This practice is not merely a passive sentiment but an active and intentional cultivation of a genuine and selfless love. By embodying metta, individuals develop a sense of empathy that transcends personal prejudices and judgments, promoting a more compassionate and inclusive perspective on life.

  1. Compassion (Karuna)

Compassion, or karuna, is the empathetic response to the suffering of oneself and others. Rooted in the recognition of the universality of suffering, karuna encourages practitioners to cultivate a deep understanding of the pain and challenges that all beings face. Unlike pity, which may carry a sense of superiority, compassion arises from a genuine sense of shared humanity.

The practice of karuna involves opening the heart to the suffering of others without being overwhelmed by it. It is an active engagement with the alleviation of suffering, whether through direct actions or the cultivation of a compassionate mindset. By embracing karuna, individuals break free from the confines of self-centeredness and develop the capacity to extend a helping hand to those in need.

In Buddhism, the Bodhisattva ideal exemplifies the embodiment of compassion. Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who choose to remain in the cycle of birth and death, not out of ignorance but out of profound compassion for all sentient beings. Through their selfless actions, Bodhisattvas inspire practitioners to embark on the path of compassion, recognizing that the alleviation of suffering is a shared responsibility.

  1. Sympathetic Joy (Mudita)

Sympathetic joy, or mudita, is the ability to experience genuine happiness and joy in response to the success and well-being of others. This practice challenges the common human tendency towards envy and jealousy, promoting an open-hearted rejoicing in the happiness of others. Mudita encourages individuals to transcend the ego's limitations and find joy in the accomplishments and good fortune of those around them.

The cultivation of sympathetic joy involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of life, both in oneself and in others. It encourages the celebration of success, love, and happiness, fostering an atmosphere of mutual support and encouragement. Mudita is a powerful antidote to the negativity that can arise from comparison and competition, offering a pathway to a more harmonious and interconnected existence.

  1. Equanimity (Upekkha)

Equanimity, or upekkha, is the stabilizing force among the Four Immeasurables. It is the capacity to maintain a balanced and impartial mind in the face of life's inevitable ups and downs. Upekkha does not imply indifference but rather a serene acceptance of the impermanence and unpredictability of existence.

Practicing equanimity involves developing a mind that remains undisturbed by the changing circumstances of life. It encourages individuals to approach both pleasure and pain with a calm and balanced perspective, avoiding the extremes of attachment and aversion. Upekkha is not a passive resignation but an active engagement with life, grounded in wisdom and a deep understanding of the interconnected nature of all experiences.

The Interconnectedness of the Four Immeasurables

While each of the Four Immeasurables can be explored individually, they are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Loving-kindness provides the foundation for compassion, as the boundless love cultivated in metta naturally extends to a heartfelt response to the suffering of others. Compassion, in turn, opens the door to sympathetic joy, as the alleviation of suffering and the promotion of well-being become sources of shared celebration. Equanimity acts as a stabilizing force, preventing attachment to one aspect of the practice while maintaining a balanced perspective on all.

Together, these virtues create a holistic framework for ethical conduct, emotional well-being, and spiritual development. The cultivation of the Four Immeasurables offers practitioners a transformative path, guiding them towards a more compassionate, joyful, and equanimous way of being in the world.


The Four Immeasurables in Buddhism provide a profound roadmap for individuals seeking to transcend self-centeredness and cultivate a way of life grounded in compassion, loving-kindness, sympathetic joy, and equanimity. These virtues are not mere ideals but practical tools for navigating the complexities of human existence. By embracing and embodying the Four Immeasurables, practitioners can contribute to the creation of a more compassionate and harmonious world, where the well-being of all beings is considered and valued. As the Buddha proclaimed, "May all beings be happy; may all beings be without disease. May all beings experience the auspicious, and may nobody suffer in any way." The Four Immeasurables provide a roadmap to transform this aspiration into a lived reality.


Do you want to learno how to meditate and don't know where to start? Fabrizio, a Vipassana teacher and meditator for almost 30 years who practised in Burma, Nepal, the United States and Australia, teaches this precious practice in Rome pigneto. 

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